Cooking as its Own Reward: How to Keep Lesser Motives From Spoiling the Broth

Mar 23, 2009 by

Girls cooking At my house, my kids help cook and do some cooking of their own. They also take their turns at doing the dishes after dinner.  My approach to getting them to cook varies greatly from how I get them to do the cleaning up, though. Why? Because while true passion about cooking is possible, probably no one alive has more than a fairly limited enthusiasm for washing dishes.

Every child is born naturally interested in cooking. When they see an adult breaking eggs, stirring, mixing, measuring, using equipment like spring-form pans and muffin tins, and tools like knives, whisks , blenders and mixers, and witness miraculous, appetizing transformations emerging from the oven, they want to get involved. And rightly so.

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Suzuki Gives A Lesson in Getting Kids to Eat: How to Fake It Until You Make It

Dec 10, 2008 by

My daughter started piano with the Suzuki method, with a real Suzuki teacher, not one of those that use the method as an excuse for an absence of actual teaching.

Suzuki’s method offers us an unusual lesson in feeding children, whether it’s food, knowledge, or skills we are trying to impart. Suzuki says to end the lesson before the child’s interest flags. Stop while you’re ahead, while it’s still fun, while they still want more.

Something in me, as the paying parent, wanted a longer piano lesson. If some is good, more is better, right?

In our culture of viewing of…

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